Wednesday, September 5, 2007

First Post

Well, this is my first post on my "English Travellers in the Middle East" journal. Since there is a remote possibility that someone other than my instructor may read this, I feel the need for a few disclaimers.

1. I have very little knowledge about the Middle East.
2. Other than the glaringly obvious, I am not up on current events.
3. I know next to nothing about Islam or Muslims.

I am willing to admit I am hopelessly clueless about the subject of this course, which is in part why I signed up for this class. How better to break through stereotypes and ignorance than in an academic setting where questions are expected and not ridiculed. Well, not too much anyhow.

Over the next 15 weeks or so I will be posting reactions to class discussions and assigned readings. Don't expect profound insights. I'll be happy coming away with a fundamental undertanding of a world so alien (or is it?) from my own.

You may also notice that there are some links in my sidebar regarding Islams & Muslims. I'm not advocating any of them. I cannot comment on their accuracy or lack thereof. I simply think that it's interesting to see what practitioners of the faith are saying in the informal world of blogging.

Please feel free to comment!

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